Presentation of the field
« Digital technology and artificial intelligence at the service of humanity »

At the heart of our societies in the midst of technological change, we are resolutely connected. Connected to our fellow human beings, through our personal or professional social networks, connected to our everyday objects, to assist us in our professional, productive orleisure tasks, connected to our social authorities (educational, medical, governmental, administrative or financial). The "Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence" field includes no less than 7 specialised courses and each year trains around 140 students for jobs in Research, Development and Innovation for public and private organisations and companies in the field of digital technology, software development and artificial intelligence. Each course is based on strong academic and industrial partnerships that ensure cutting-edge training to meet the challenges raised by this change and to imagine "Digital technology and artificial intelligence at the service of humanity".
study routes are offered in the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence field of excellence
At the end of the generalist engineering course, 3 options (including 1 dual degree course) are offered in the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence field of excellence.
This path offers students the opportunity to specialise in the development of software applications that incorporate AI technologies, through two options: Artificial Intelligence and Software Engineering (IAIL) or Artificial Intelligence and Data Science (IASD).
This course offers students the opportunity to specialise in the development of software applications that integrate AI technologies through two options: Artificial Intelligence and Software Engineering (IAIL) or Artificial Intelligence and Data Science (IASD).
Generalist Engineer, Artificial Intelligence & Data Science option
Artificial intelligence is concerned with the resolution of complex problems through the use of computer techniques capable of simulating certain traits of human intelligence (reasoning, learning, etc.). It has close links with Data Science. With the advent of Big Data, machine learning and artificial intelligence have become essential scientific and technological subjects at the heart of all the ambitions of the digital transition of our societies. This option proposes to train Data Scientists and computer scientists integrating AI technologies who will be able to acquire a strong specialisation in certain application domains to imagine the digital world of tomorrow.
S9 of the IASD option in English
Programme of the option
Data Collection and Storage - 50H
- Data collection and design of experiments
- Advanced Databases
Algorithms and complexity - 50H
- Introduction to theoretical computer science
- C programming
- Complexity of algorithms and recursion
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence - 50H
- Overview of AI: definition, issues and challenges
- Introduction to symbolic AI
- Introduction to machine learning
Software Engineering - 50H
- Software design
- Formal specification
- Case studies
Data Science - 50H
- Introduction to data analysis
- Statistics and Probability
- Validation, Visualisation, Restitution
Lectures - 10H
- Software Engineering
- Artificial Intelligence
- Ethics and AI
- Software Law
- Green IT
- RGPD, General Data Protection Regulation
Advanced Machine Learning - 50H
- Advanced Machine Learning
Mathematics for Machine Learning and Optimisation - 70H
- Heuristic approaches for combinatorial optimisation
- Advanced mathematics for machine learning
Decision Support - 50H
- Uncertainty theory
- Multi-criteria analysis
Man and Machine: Human-Computer Interaction - 40H
Deep Learning - 50H
- Advanced introduction to artificial neural networks
- Deep learning in practice
- Reinforcement learning
Image Analysis Specialty - 100H
- Visual process
- 3D perception and interpretation
Knowledge and Text Specialty
- Knowledge Engineering
- Automatic Natural Language and Speech Processing
Technical study - 110H
Generalist Engineer, option artificial intelligence & Software Engineering
From domestic connected objects to large-scale sensor networks in smart cities, from smartphones to clouds managing online services, the emergence of new digital uses requires the engineering of software architectures of controlled quality despite their increasing complexity.
The aim of this option is to train engineers who will be involved in the digital transition of our societies thanks to their mastery of the methods, paradigms and technologies necessary for the design and development of relevant software solutions. To complete this expertise in software engineering, the fundamentals of artificial intelligence will enable the integration of automatic approaches to problem solving or semantic interpretation into innovative software services. The opportunities for this option, numerous and geographically well distributed, are typically: design and development engineer who can quickly evolve to project manager, project manager, functional architect, technical expert, product owner...
Programme of the option
Data collection and storage - 50H
- Data collection and experimental design
- Advanced databases
Algorithms and complexity - 50H
- Introduction to theoretical computer science
- C programming
- Complexity of algorithms and recursion
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence - 50H
- Overview of AI: definition, issues and challenges
- Introduction to symbolic AI
- Introduction to machine learning
Software Engineering - 50H
- Software design
- Formal specification
- Case studies
Web and Mobile Development - 50H
- Mobile application development
- Web development
Lectures - 10H
- Software Engineering
- Artificial Intelligence
- Ethics and AI
- Software law
- Green IT
- RGPD, General Data Protection Regulation
Advanced Machine Learning - 50H
- Advanced Machine Learning
Modelling and verification of critical reactive systems - 50H
- Reactive system architectures
- Formal specification and verification
Model Driven Engineering - 50H
- Meta-modeling and model transformation
- Best practices and architecture-centric development
- Current topics and paradigms in software engineering Initiation to software engineering research
Ambient Intelligence - 40H
- Advanced web development
- Internet of Things
System and networks - 20H
- Operating system
- Networking
Distributed programming - 50H
- Client-server
- n-tier architectures
Information Systems - 50H
- Cloud computing
- IS urbanisation
- IS security
Knowledge engineering - 50H
- Knowledge management
- Knowledge modelling and semantic web
Technical studies - 110H
Double degree
Generalist Engineer & Master's degree in Science and Digital Technology for Health (University of Montpellier)
Students can complete their final year in the Master 2 Sciences and Digital Technology for Health at the University of Montpellier, which is divided into three courses:
- Biomedical Physics
- Bioinformatics, Knowledge, Data
- Engineering of devices for health
This course allows students to deepen their skills in digital sciences applied to the field of health and to obtain the engineering diploma and the Master's degree.
Find out more about the IMT Mines Alès generalist engineering course
Doctorate in the Computer Science, Image and Artificial Intelligence research team
For more information
IMT Mines Alès is ranked 23rd in France in the 'Digital and Computer Science' category, in the Figaro Etudiant