Presentation of the field
« Ensuring the development and quality of life of future generations while protecting our planet.»

Development and growth must be accompanied by social and environmental responsibility in order to make a success of the ecological and energy transition and effectively manage major risks. The objective of the Environment, Energy & Risks field of excellence is to train people capable of analysing the functioning of complex systems, managing their evolution sustainably and controlling risks. The "Environment, Energy & Risks" field includes 11 specialised courses and trains approximately 125 students each year. Each pathway is supported by strong academic and industrial partnerships that ensure cutting-edge training to meet the challenges and "ensure the development and quality of life of future generations while protecting our planet".
study routes are offered in the Environment, Energy and Risks field of excellence
General Engineer
At the end of the generalist engineering course, 6 options (4 of which are dual degree courses) are offered in the field of excellence
Its strength lies in the complementarity between the different disciplines - Antoine RIVET
Generalist Engineer, Energy & Environment option
The "Energy and Environment" option is dedicated to two major challenges facing society: energy management and environmental protection. Students who complete this course will be able to imagine and propose intelligent, efficient and sustainable solutions to meet the expectations of reducing ecological impact and energy performance. Alongside solid technical skills, they will demonstrate real leadership, communication and persuasion skills.
They can join large groups, SMEs, engineering offices and local authorities as a research officer, project manager, site manager or environmental manager. They are destined to become managers in the long term.
Programme of the option
Environment, Energy, Risks - 43H
- Industrial and natural risks
- Ecosystems and biodiversity
- Energy issues
Industry and Territory - 57H
- ICPE regulations
- Meteorology and atmospheric dispersion
- Dispersion of pollutants in soils
- Aria impact modelling
- Risks and land-use planning
Process engineering - 72H
- Materials transfer
- Distillation
- Chemical reactors
- Energy balance
- HAZID and ENVID methods
- Fluent modelling
Project “Implementation of an industrial unit in a territory” - 80H
Water quality management - 53H
- Environmental monitoring
- Environmental water management
- Integrated management of water resources
- Sewage Systems
Air Quality Management - 29H
- Analysis of air pollutants (VOCs, odours and bio-contaminants)
- Actions: treating or acting at source
Management of polluted sites and soils: risks and issues - 22H
Management and energy recovery of waste - 30H
- Overview of waste and regulations
- Recovery methods
- Cogeneration - Energy fluid networks
Water treatment and by-product recovery" project - 40H
Energy production and use - 85H
- Wind energy, solar photovoltaic energy
- Hydraulic energy, marine energy
- Geothermal energy, Bioenergy
- Nuclear energy
- Financial analysis
- Case study and simulation
Energy storage and distribution - 45H
- Smart grids
- Energy storage, batteries
- Hydropower and storage
Energy efficiency and process integration - 40H
- Energy Optimisation
- Process integration - Energy system modelling
Circular economy - 40H
- LCA and territorial industrial ecology
- EIT project
Energy & Environment Projects - 96H
Sandrine Bayle
Generalist Engineer, Natural & Industrial Risks option
The engineer specialising in major risks has a solid generalist background. This expert has a very good command of major risks, the modelling of their consequences, their impact on the territory, the means of prevention and crisis management. He or she can work as a manager in the QHSE (Quality, Health, Safety, and Environment) department of an industrial company or in a risk engineering and design office (technological and natural risks) as well as in the administration or local authorities.
Programme of the option
Environment, Energy, Risks - 43H
- Industrial and natural risks
- Ecosystems and biodiversity
- Energy issues and energy systems
- Impact studies
Industry and Territory 57H
- ICPE regulations
- Meteorology and atmospheric dispersion
- Dispersion of pollutants in soils
- Aria impact modelling
- Risks and land use planning
Process engineering - 72H
- Material transfer
- Distillation
- Chemical reactors
- Energy balance
- HAZID and ENVID methods
- Fluent modelling
Project “Implementation of an industrial unit in a territory" - 80H
Introduction to risks - 45H
- Introduction to major industrial risks
- Petrochemical industry
- Gas industry
- Nuclear industry
- Pyrotechnic industry
- Climate change
Physics of Hazardous Phenomena 1 - Industrial Hazards - 69H
- Breach flow and evaporation
- Gas explosions
- Fire
- Boilover
- Electrostatic - ATEX
- Dust explosion
- Reactionary runaway
Physics of hazardous phenomena 2 - Natural hazards - 61H
- Forest fires
- Drought
- Seismicity and tsunami risks
- Meteorology for flooding
- Functioning of hydrosystems
- Rockfall
- Mechanics of gravity movements
- Mining risk
Risk analysis and control 1 - 45H
- Risk analysis method
- Quantitative risk analysis
- Operational safety
- Insurance
Emergency and crisis management 1 - 24H
- Feedback from the disaster
- Introduction to crisis management
- Organisation of the rescue
- Decision-making support
Case study - Industrial risks - 35H
- Hazard study
- Risk control barrier
- Case study
Case Study - Natural Hazards - 35H
- Hydraulics and basin sizing
- Flood forecasting
- Flood risk case study
Risk and crisis management tools - 26H
- Flood prevention
- Resilience of territories
- Communal Emergency Plan (PCS)
- Business Continuity Plan (BCP)
Emergency and crisis management 2 - 98H
- Crisis management tools and exercise scenarios
- Crisis communication
- OpenStreetMap and its use for crisis mapping
- Geomatics and crisis management
- Emergencies and crises: practical cases and simulator training
Risk analysis and control 2 - 86H
- Security engineering
- Human and organisational factors
- Cyber security
- Transport of hazardous materials
- ATEX regulations
- Visit of industrial sites
Example of R&D missions
- Study of the impact of gamification on risk awareness and crisis management: prototyping of an escape game
- Evaluation of the methanogenic potential of non-methane volatile organic compounds emitted by the food industry
- Study of the effects of a forest fire on an LPG tank in the habitat/forest interface
Example of end-of-studies projects
- AECOM France: development of a calculation tool and a methodological guide for the modelling of dangerous phenomena
- TUV Sud: development of an equipment to measure the minimum ignition energies of vapours and gases
- BRL Ingénierie: inflatable dams in rivers: calculation of dam flow rate according to geometry and dimensioning of its dissipation pit
- SBM Offshore : Method engineering, floating offshore wind turbines
- VALECO : Solar territorial development officer
Master and Master's
International Master Disaster management & environmental impact (DAMAGE)
Training in English
Master in Biotechnology and Innovation (BIOTIN)
Specialised Master in Industrial Safety and Environment
In double degree
Some students can complete their final year in the Master's degree in Water Sciences at the University of Montpellier, which is divided into three courses:
- Qualitative and quantitative hydrogeology - Environment
- Water Health Contaminants
- Hydrology Risk Environment
This course allows students to study the theme of water resource conservation in greater depth and to obtain the engineering diploma and the Master's degree.
Some students from PC can join a two-year bi-degree course with the Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Montpellier within different options:
- Depollution and Environmental Management
- Chemistry and Bioprocesses for Sustainable Development
- Nuclear Chemistry, Environment
- Engineering of Natural Active Principles
This course allows students to deepen their skills in chemistry and to obtain the two engineering degrees.
<p>Students with a basic knowledge of biology (BCPST, bachelor's degree in biology or equivalent) can complete their final year in the Master's degree in "Biology and Health, Project Management and Innovation in Biotechnology" at the universities of Nîmes and Montpellier and at IMT Mines Alès.</p>
<p><strong>This course allows students to go deeper into the field of biotechnology and to obtain the engineering diploma and the Master's degree.</strong></p>
Training in English, the number of places is limited!
This programme serves as an interface between two fields of application: disaster management and environmental impact assessment. This multidisciplinary approach will allow students to strengthen their knowledge base by adding an international dimension to large-scale crises. The proposed courses will allow students to assess risks (risk-analysis methods) and propose solutions for risk-reduction and preparedness planning. The students will be able to offer and professionally analyse management and coordination in the event of a human or environmental catastrophe.
Quelques élèves peuvent réaliser leur dernière année au sein du Master Géosciences de l’Université de Montpellier qui se décline en plusieurs parcours et notamment :
• Aléas géologiques : Observations, mesures, modélisation
• Génie côtier & développement raisonné du littoral.
Ces parcours permettent d’approfondir le thème de la préservation des ressources en eau et d’obtenir le diplôme d’ingénieur et le master.
Doctorate in the Water, Resources, Territories research team
Discover the Water, Resources, Territories research team at IMT Mines Alès
PhD in the Risk and Quality Studies research team
Discover the Risk and Air Quality Research team at IMT Mines Alès