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MS Specialized Master in "Industrial Safety and Environment”


This course is intended for students with a bachelor's degree as well as for managers in industry working in design and engineering firms, insurance companies and government engineers wishing to acquire a good understanding of industrial risks and their impact on the environment.

The Specialized Master's Degree in "Industrial Safety and Environment" is a twelve-month training program that is designed for both young graduates and experienced managers. It has been designed to allow you to study while maintaining a professional activity.

It is particularly aimed at managers in the following areas: industry, design and engineering offices, insurance companies, and administrative engineers who wish to acquire a good understanding of industrial risks and their impact on the environment.

The objectives are to train managers capable of:

  • analyzing and quantifying the risks inherent to a company ;
  • evaluating their consequences on the site and its immediate environment
  • proposing appropriate means of prevention;
  • ensuring the follow-up of the Administration's recommendations;
  • specializing in crisis management.
  • specializing  in a specific business profile.

Throughout the year’s training, participants benefit from the skills of researchers from the Industrial Environmental Engineering Laboratory at IMT Mines Alès and members of the teaching team, who are mainly industry specialists.

Organization and the program


The twelve-month alternating curriculum, from September to September, is organized as follows:

  • a basic module of general and applied education (600 hours), over a first period (from September to the end of February), devoted to the analysis and quantification of risks as well as to the regulatory framework of for industrial safety;
  • a 6-month internship in a company (from March to the end of August), which allows students to work on a specific  technical or more global industrial safety subjects proposed by the host company.

 This study culminates in a professional thesis and an oral defense. The trainee is given the opportunity to complete his or her professional thesis in at his or her home institution (company or administration).


There is a lot of emphasis on teamwork and participation methods. Round tables  are organized regularly, to highlight the comments and concerns of the group.
In addition, the teaching program and its evolution are submitted to the steering committee.

1 - Basic module (600 hours)

  • Risk in the industry
  • Risk analysis tools
  • Modeling of the source term
  • Modeling of dispersion phenomena
  • Modeling of fire phenomena
  • Modeling of explosion phenomena
  • 3D modeling tools and small-scale experiments
  • Elements of risk control
  • The main principles of emergency and crisis management

2 - Projects to be carried out during the year’s training:

  • Project n°1 : Hazard study of a LPG filling site
  • Project n°2 : Case study on emergency and decision support in connection with the crisis management training simulator of the Institute of Risk Sciences.

This program allows participants to enrich their  technical training in the field of industrial safety and crisis management as well as proposing complementary training called "job profiles". You can choose from 6 professional profiles:

  • Innovation Strategy Engineering manager
  • Business Engineer
  • International Business Developer
  • Unit Manager
  • R&D Engineer in the Mechanics of Materials
  • Head of Complex Projects

This new comprehensive training program will enable you to acquire new skills allowing  you high level integration into the professional world of risk management.

Cost of the training

The cost of the course is 6,000 euros. Payment must be made at the time of registration.