The Ales Imaging and Human Metrology (AIHM) platform offers mobile solutions and a wide range of services in the following areas:
- motion, health, human perception,
- digital imaging and computer vision,
- acoustics and sonification
Operating on an interdisciplinary basis (from physics to data processing and perception) with immersive experimental protocols and an agile methodology, this platform offers mobile equipment that can be moved entirely. Its main activities are :
- capture, modelling and optimisation of a moving subject and its environment (visual, sound, spatial), and environmental optimisation
- automatic data analysis (sound, image, physiological signals, neuroimaging)
- synthesis, restoration and enhancement (sound, image)
Main equipments
- Qualisys 11-camera Miqus M3 system
- QTM software with Eye Tracker module
- Inertial Motion Units (IMU)
Physiological signals
- Eye tracking (Tobii pro 2 and Pupil Core)
- Neuroimaging: electroencephalogram (EEG) and near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS)
Sound and optics
- Ambisonic sound recording
- Digital imaging (fast/multispectral/HDR), photogrammetry
- Spectroradiometers (Konica Minolta CS2000, Photo Research PR670), luxmeters
Immersive environments
- Virtual reality (HTC Vive)
- Spatialized sound diffusion
- Controlled lighting
Offers et areas of application
- Partnership research
- Training
- Scientific expertise
- Feasibility studies
- Deployment and support
- Prototypes and proof of concept
- Support for company creation
- Agile methodology
In the following fields: health, industry, sport, heritage and the arts, ecology
Knowledge and scientific expertise
- Motion capture (with and without markers), fast imaging
- Multi-view video recording
- Ambisonic audio recording
- Design of sound environments (ambience, music, etc.)
- Sound synthesis (sonification)
- Photogrammetry
- Colorimetric survey of scenes (multispectral imaging)
- Analysis
- Signal processing, image processing
- Artificial intelligence and machine learning
- Visual perception modelling
- Specific applications and dedicated developments (on-site measurements)
Rcent projects
Modelling of gestuality during speech production and reception in semi-guided conversations between two speakers.
Analysis of the optical and visual signature of Palaeolithic works in their current state.
Aim: to provide food for thought about contextualisation (the physical world and the mental universe in the Palaeolithic period).

Highlighting "disruptive" gestures and movements in Industry 4.0: detection and optimisation of the working environment.
As part of shoulder movement rehabilitation, creation of a sonification system (sound feedback) to perceive the amplitude of arm joint rotations.

Semaxone, a company spun out of the IMT Mines Alès incubator and supported by the EuroMov DHM research unit, is developing innovative software tools combining the analysis of physiological signals and voice to detect changes in the psychological and cognitive state of individuals operating in difficult environments (e.g. aircraft pilots).
Semaxone responds to safety issues and training objectives by analysing this multimodal data to monitor changes in the operational state (stress, fatigue, etc.) of individuals.