« Supplying humanity with mineral and energy resources, developing the subsoil while preserving the natural heritage »

Today, as has always been true, man cannot produce anything that does not come from the earth. We will not be able to do without the use of mineral resources, many of which are likely to be in even greater demand. We will have to produce differently, better, rather than produce less, but also recycle. The subsoil is also a real resource for land-use planning because it allows the surface to be freed up. We are now talking about urban planning and underground storage.
The "Mineral Resources & Subsoil Development" field of excellence covers four sectors of activity. Mining and quarrying, where the engineer will be required to explore, extract and transform natural resources in a responsible, reasoned and concerted manner. Tunnels and underground spaces, for which the engineer will be able to master the geotechnical works necessary for the sustainable development of the territory and the urban subsoil. Natural underground reservoirs for the storage of liquids or gases, which the engineer will be able to design and build. Recycling would permit alternative raw materials to be produced thus preserving natural resources.
Four specialised courses are offered, which train nearly 70 students each year to "supply humanity with mineral and energy resources and develop the subsoil while preserving the natural heritage".
4 courses are offered in the field of excellence Mineral Resources & Subsoil Management
study routes are offered in the field of excellence Mineral Resources & Subsoil Management
Generalist Engineer
The "Underground Engineering and Mineral Resources Exploitation" option trains engineers capable of meeting the technological challenges posed by the supply of mineral raw materials and by underground development. They will be able to integrate economic, societal and environmental issues, to use new digital technologies to make production systems more intelligent and to participate in the development of the energy transition by providing all the useful and necessary resources.
This training covers four sectors of activity. Mining and quarrying, where the engineer will be required to explore, extract and transform natural resources in a responsible, reasoned and concerted manner. Tunnels and underground spaces, for which the engineer will be able to master the geotechnical works necessary for the sustainable development of the territory and the urban subsoil. Natural underground reservoirs for the storage of liquids or gases, which the engineer will be able to design and build. Recycling would permit alternative raw materials to be produced thus preserving natural resources.
This option provides access to the professions of extraction and transformation of primary or secondary mineral resources, work management, engineering in design offices, expertise and geotechnical professions of project management.
At the end of the course, two modules are offered to prepare students for future developments that will allow for better exploitation both technically and economically as well as in terms of the environment and society.
- The "Connected and evolving career" module concerns the digitalisation of production and marketing processes, but also the highly interoperable tools that will ensure the optimised and systemic management of a production unit. The operation of the future "4.0" will be a digital operation in terms of the man/machine and a digital relationship by placing the user of these tools as a major actor in the system.
- The "Integrated and responsible mining" module concerns the integration of the farm with its environment, its territory, its human, social and socio-economic context. The mining of the future "4.0" will be impact-free, respectful and locally responsible, with beneficial effects on the local population, a prerequisite for social acceptance
It is a very professional training course and the network is very strong and close-knit
ISERM by Pierre-Henri LOUP
Generalist Engineer, Subsoil Engineering & Mineral Resources Exploitation
The "Subsoil Engineering and Exploitation of Mineral Resources" option trains engineers capable of meeting the technological challenges brought about by the supply of mineral raw materials and by the development of the subsoil. They will be able to integrate economic, societal and environmental issues, to use new digital technologies to make production systems more intelligent and to participate in the development of the energy transition by providing all the useful and necessary resources.
This training covers three sectors of activity. Mining and quarrying, where the engineer will be required to explore, extract and transform natural or alternative resources in a responsible, reasoned and concerted manner. Tunnels and underground spaces, for which the engineer will be able to master the geotechnical works necessary for the sustainable development of the territory and the urban subsoil. But also that of natural underground reservoirs for the storage of liquids or gases, which the engineer will be able to design and then build. This option provides access to professions in the extraction and transformation of primary or alternative mineral resources, engineering in design offices and project management.
Programme of the option
Geoscience - 44H
- Geology for engineers
- Hydrogeology
- Cartography, Topography
Mineral Resources and Materials - 52H
- Mineral Resource Issues
- Mineral resources
- Building materials
Geotechnical works - 52H
- Soil Mechanics
- Rock Mechanics
- Earthworks
- Roads
Mining - 64H
- Mining
- Quarrying
- ICPE regulations and environmental impacts
Processing - 40H
- Felling
- Transport
- Mechanical processing - Processing scheme (Bruno)
RTCE project: (Roads, Earthworks, Quarries, Environment) or R&D mission - 170H
Geosciences - 56H
- Structural geology
- Geostatistics
- Phasing and planning
- Rock Mechanics
Mining Methods - 52H
- Extractive process
- Open pit mining
- Underground mining
- Underground structures
Project "Mining Methods" - 40H
Project "Processing Flow-Sheet" - 14H
Quarrying - 120H
- Digitalisation of processes and digital tools
- Environment, economy and safety
- Quarry 4.0" project
Mining - 120H
- Digital tools for estimation, optimisation, planning and decision support
- Environment, Economics and Safety
Face-to-face course
Open pit mining - 50H
- Blasting
- Loading and transport
- Mechanical processing
Underground work - 58H
- Mechanical and blasting
- Underpinning
- Marining (loading and rolling)
- Auscultation