Dual-skill course
At IMT Mines Alès, you may also want to diversify your skills. Partnerships with other establishments enable the development of cross-disciplinary skills, which are highly appreciated by recruiters.
A full year in one of the partner business schools (Audencia in Nantes and Institut Mines-Télécom Business School in Evry-Paris) adds managerial skills to the technical skills of engineering students. The course leads to the award of a double diploma: IMT Mines Alès Engineer and Master Grande École of the École Supérieure de Management.
After completing part of their studies at IMT Mines Alès and the other part in one of the three partner establishments in Liège, Mons or Montpellier, students obtain a double degree in engineering and architecture in five years. This dual competence is increasingly sought after for innovative projects where architectural design and technical solutions are more and more complex.
Do you have an advanced idea for a business creation project? Do you have time to devote to your project? Apply for the D2E (Student Entrepreneur Diploma)!
This diploma focuses on entrepreneurial support to enable the follow-up and recognition of any student entrepreneurial project.

In collaboration with the universities of Montpellier and Nîmes, dual degree courses allow students to obtain a master's degree in parallel with their engineering degree. This is also a privileged pathway for pursuing a doctoral thesis:
- Master's degree in Geosciences
- Master in Mechanics
- Master in Water
- Master's degree in Science and Numerics for Health
- Master Biotin (Project management and innovation in biotechnologies)
- Master's Degree in Risks
At the end of the second year, some students from PC can join a two-year dual degree course with the Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Montpellier within different options:
- Depollution and Environmental Management
- Chemistry and Bioprocesses for Sustainable Development
- Nuclear Chemistry, Environment
- Engineering of Natural Active Principles
This course allows students to deepen their skills in chemistry and to obtain the two engineering degrees.
At the end of the second year, some students in the Civil Engineering and Sustainable Building Department can join a two-year dual degree course with the École des Ingénieurs de la Ville de Paris (EIVP). This course allows students to deepen their skills in urban engineering and water engineering.
International double degrees
At IMT Mines Alès, the world is your horizon. You can spend from one semester to two years abroad in your own field or in an opening field. A minimum of four months' experience abroad is compulsory. Numerous opportunities are offered to students to enable them to gain this "significant experience abroad".
- Mobility for one or two semesters of study
- 3rd year abroad with the possibility of a double degree
- Summer internships
- Field assignments
- Personal project
- End of study project
- gap year through a VIE
Nearly 90
partnership agreements with foreign universities
double degree agreements
Partnerships with foreign universities allow students to obtain a Master's degree from the host university in addition to the IMT Mines Alès degree. The most diverse fields are represented, from maritime engineering to aeronautics, including renewable energy and mechatronics.
languages offered* (including Portuguese, Japanese, Chinese...)
* depending on demand
months average international stay (University, company, humanitarian,...
The advantages :
- sponsorship from former students who finance grants for double degree projects every year, etc.
- possible financial aid: Regions, Erasmus, sponsorship, etc.
The school will accompany you, whatever your project and destination, for a career without borders